New applicants must be registered with the Board to legally practice as a Denturist in Nova Scotia.

Registering with the Board demonstrates that the individual respects the public’s right to safe, competent and ethical care, and recognizes the Board’s role in supporting and monitoring practice.

The Board fulfills its mandate by ensuring new applicants for registration meet certain standards for entry to practice in the province. In keeping with the Fair Registration Practices Act, the Board makes registration requirements publicly available.

To register, choose one of the following options:

Send the completed form and required documents to us at the address on our Contact page.

Registration Policies

Click the link to view (depending on your browser settings), or the button to download, the specific policy document as a PDF.

Translation of Documents to be Submitted to the DLBNS

Documents that are not in English must be translated.
Applicants are responsible for having their documents translated by a certified translator and providing a certified official translation to the DLBNS of the requested documents. Costs will vary depending on the volume of the text. A certified official translation means that a professional (certified) translator takes your document in its original language and translates it into English. The professional then places his or her stamp, seal, or special paper on a cover letter attached to the documents themselves or to an electronic version (disk or thumb drive) indicating that it is a true translation of the original language document.

What is the Fair Registration Practices Act?

The government may directly regulate the occupations or delegate that authority to another organization, i.e. regulatory body. A regulatory body (regulatory authority or regulator) sets the standards and regulates how people practice as members of an occupation. Everyone who practices within a regulated occupation must register with the regulatory body. The Fair Registration Practices Act (FRPA; the Act) governs the process a regulatory body follows to register a person who applies to practice as a member of that occupation. FRPA states that registration must follow a fair procedure and be transparent, objective, and impartial. The Act applies to 47 regulating bodies in Nova Scotia, covering 83 occupations, including 20 compulsory trades.

For more information, go to the Fair Registration Practices page on the Nova Scotia Government website.