A DHCP or office staff member has visited one of the moderate or high-risk exposure locations. What should they do? (NEW, April 29, 2021)
DHCP and office staff must immediately self-isolate, book a test at a Primary Assessment Center (PAC), isolate while awaiting results, and remain off work for 14 days post-exposure.
You will find the list of potential exposure locations by reviewing the Public Health Alerts.
Remember, regardless of potential exposure from the community, in accordance with Public Health and the protocols outlined in 4.6 of the CDHNS Protocols, if any staff member fails the daily screening for symptoms or risk factors, they must exclude themselves from work, i.e., be instructed not to come to work, or be sent home. They must complete the online assessment, or contact 811, and arrange for COVID-19 testing. They must await results of the testing and be cleared by Public Health before they can return to work.